Please Help Jon
 Hello, my name is Jon Taylor.
I am currently in a possition I do not know how to resolve without help..
I am 45 years old, I have parkinson's disease,
I've had both my shoulders replaced in the last year, 
I am diabetic, 
I have a protruding disc in my back pressing on my spine, 
so I can only work a part time job paying 9.50 an hour.
That is not why I am struggling... 
 Due to multiple medical problems I've been unable to pay much child support.
My kids are grown and I owe only back support, but it such a great amount there is no way for me to pay this. 
I need to raise nearly 53,000$ to get this debt paid. 
I want this bill payed and no just written off as i believe its a very very valid debt.
If you cannot help me financially, please help me by simply saying a prayer for me. 
PLEASE if you are able, send me any amount of money you can afford.
This will be forwarded to pay my back support.
any funds over the amount needed for my back child support will be donated to charity.
All donations will be posted on a page on this site.
God Bless you!